Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways
Date | Headline |
February 26th | Spring Trout Plants started Valentines Day |
March 7th | Double plant starts this week! |
March 20th | Spring is here! |
March 29th | The sun is here with fish plants every week! |
April 3rd | We are doing it again this year! |
April 10th | April storm survivors! |
April 17th | Easter week showers with a boat load of fish! |
April 26th | Collins Lake Derby winners and many others!! |
May 2nd | The last week of April ends with great catches! |
May 15th | Everyone is catching fish!! |
May 22nd | Big Fish Week! |
June 6th | Here comes the sun! |
June 15th | Summer Fun! |
June 27th | Catfish and Crappie are biting! |
July 20th | Summer Fun! |
August 16th | Hot Summer Nights! |
September 27th | Fall trout planting starting soon! |
November 6th | We survived the Cascade fires!! |
November 27th | Thanksgiving week was a hit! |
December 6th | Fall Fishing is doing great! |