With daytime surface temperatures up above 75°F trout have have taken a deep dive and bass were back in action. Vasiliy Zbyshko of Fair Oaks caught a number of a bass including these three caught trolling, using dropshots as well as Texas rigs:
Giovanni Gomez brought in his two and a quarter pound bass using Powerbait. Mike Hernendez caught 3 bass on white rubber worms down near the dam. Wendy Muggleton’s bass weighted over 5 lbs, she caught it on redworms down by Elmer’s Cove.
Quite a few other bass have been caught over the past weeks, many caught and released by anglers working kayaks in and among the abundant natural habitat provided by this year’s full lake.
Following bass we’re starting to see an uptick in other warm water species such as crappie, bluegill & redear sunfish. Dominic caught his redear near the main marina. Graham caught his on redworms down near the rental dock. Great job guys!
Trout fishing has definitely slowed with the sudden heat but even though we’re not seeing as many limits as April there are still some decent fish caught each week.
Rick Paulline of Winters, California caught several trout and is showing off his biggest, a 4 1/4 pounder caught on an orange Maglip trolling at about 15ft. Mike Chyzy caught his 5lb fish dragging a copperhead lure. Wendy Muggleton tipped the scale to five and an eighth pounds with a beautiful rainbow trout she caught using redworms down in Elmer’s Cove.

Jackson brought in three nice rainbow trout while Wade Whorton showed us a nice “Lightning” golden rainbow.
Hailey Silva caught another 2.5 pound lightning trout on a pink wiggle hoochie trailing a nightcrawler. Finally Joey and Steven caught their 3 trolling worms.
Generally most trout are being caught out in deeper waters trolling around 15ft, with fish being marked on depth finders down to 40ft. In spite of the fact that the top four feet of water is pretty uniformly warm a few trout- and some big trout- are still caught from shore, and quite a few still on Powerbait.