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A Few Quick Fish

We’ve had more than a couple hot days and it seems to have pushed the trout down considerably. With average surface temperatures around 74°F it is to be expected. We have still seen a few catfish reeled in, along with the occasional bass but all in all it’s a tough field at the moment. Even in challenging conditions there is a lot of fun to be had on the water and every day still holds success stories; Here are a few of them:

Randy Hansen of Forestville caught his 5.25lb rainbow trout at around 30ft while trolling a Speedy Shiner in front of the dam.

Notably there have been a few unseasonably good catches fishing from the shoreline. Jorge from Windsor California caught a limit of five trout using Powereggs:

Jillian and her team caught 4 trout using Powerbait:

Jim Hang and Pa Ma Vue from Plumas Lake and South Sacramento caught a double limit, with all ten hooked on light green PowerBait.

Finally, just today, Teri Granville & Rick Grimett, hung five on the brag board, trout that they caught on worms and lures in the middle of the lake.

Good luck out there and don’t forget you can always send in your pictures and stories to

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