Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Spring Planting Started Early

We’re well into 2021 and still looking for winter rains to fill the lake. The Surface temperature is flirting with 50F and the current lake level is 39ft from full, which is lower than normal. We still need a lot of rain to get filled up before summer but the light flows have also kept the water fairly clear.

Into the first half of February we continued to see quite a bit of activity down by the dam with PowerBait and as long as the lake remains low and cool that trend is likely to continue.

With our campground seeing more traffic because of the often sunny skies short storms and warm-for-February weather we’ve decided to start our spring trout planting earlier than normal. We received our first plant of 2021 this week and we’ll continue weekly planting including both private plants and DFW trucks.

Most trout are being caught in the top 15 feet, which is typical for this time of year. We have seen an occasional catfish including some monsters but both cats and bass are infrequent enough to call slow. There are also not a lot of folks fishing for bass this time of year- it’s a wholly different challenge than catching a lunker trout or a planter but if you have a boat try the inlet after a quick storm.

Lots of times the daily forecast says rain but if you look at the hourly the chance of rain is low or often just in the morning or evening. My advise? If the sun is going to peak out check the wind forecast, and if it’s as calm as it has been (<5mph) come cast a line!

Here are some highlights from the beginning of this year before we got our first trout plant for 2021:

Sonya Cordoza from Chico caught this beautiful trout by the island using a worm and pink powerbait! Great smiles and great day out on the lake!

Derek and sons from Marysville caught a week’s worth of dinner using powerbait by the dam, the largest weighed in a 6.75lbs

Luke, 8 years old, from Folsom caught this chunky trout on Micetails.

Martin & June O’Looney reeled in a 6lb trout + 4 others by the dam using Powerbait.

Rachel & Jenna were obviously delighted to have this trout on the brag board.

Bob Chappel’s 7lbs rainbow trout caught on corn Powerbait by campsite #60

Andrew, Ethan & Collin caught 11 trout using Powerbait & worms below site 56.

Mason Higby caught a pair of lunkers, the one on the right weighing in at 7.75lb, on Powerbait in front of campsite site #69

Brandon caught his first fish, a trout, on PowerBait by the dam.

Michael, Derek & Wendell from Marysville were back again, each reeling in a big trout, on the left 5.25lb on the right 7.75lb by the dam with PowerBait!

That’s all for now! If you have a great picture or fish story please send it in

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