After a very hot summer it took some extra time for cooler weather to set in. Waterski season is closed and a couple weeks ago, as surface temperatures dropped below 70F, we were finally able to start our fall planting program which produced immediate results.

The day after the first plant Mary Padelt from Ben Lomond reeled in a 6 3/4 pound rainbow trout just off shore by the dam on Green Powerbait.
Logan and Ella caught trout a few days in a row trolling the surface mostly along the main channel from the powerlines to the beach, including the last day of their trip which included Logan’s 5 3/4 pound fish which he hooked on a Rapala.

Three days later Russ Owen of Sacramento netted three trout, weighing in at 1lb, 6lbs and a lunker 7 3/4lb rainbow trout caught along the main channel.

Larry Valderram from Stockton joined the 7 pound club, dragging speeding shiners along the dam.

Scott Harmen from Rancho Cordova caught an 8 1/2lb trout on pink Powerbait by the dam. Look at the jaw on that thing:

Matthew miles caught a 7 pound fish on a broken-back lure from the shore by campsite #450.

Finally Chey Bernal, Bob & Bobby Vyvlecka brought in 10 trout slow trolling nightcrawlers our in front of the beach:

Apart from those pictured, I heard about a Ten Pound Rainbow from long time Collins Lake fisher Andie, who caught….and released it! I’m hoping for a photo by email, but just know there might be a 10 pounder lurking by the dam.
There have also been a few scattered bass and a catfish or two, but as you can see from above the big news is the trout are back on the bite. Collins Lake’s private trout plants will continue every week through Thanksgiving.
Even if you’re not fishing, this time of year is great for just kayaking along a quiet shoreline. The lake is about 49′ down, which is not as low as this time 2015 but still a ways down. The surface temperature is down around 67F, cold for swimming but great for trolling to top!