I apologize for the long delays between fishing reports. For a while there we were closed, and when we opened we were getting by with limited staff and overwhelming demand. Even now we receive between 500 and 1000 phone calls each day. Lots of folks are looking to get out and enjoy the sunshine. We sure appreciate all of the flexibility and understanding you’ve all had as we try to keep things open in a safe way that complies with county orders.

At least this week and possibly for the rest of the summer I’m forced to tell you more about what I know than about what I see. Very few people are stopping by the store to share their story and get a picture. It’s understandable but let me tell you, we and the publications that syndicate our reports (namely Western Outdoor News & The Fish Sniffer) are hungry for fresh photos and stories. If you don’t stop at the store please send a full quality picture and your story with your names, dates, weights (well, the fish anyway), where and what you caught em on. Lots opportunities for a cover story if you’ve got a nice catch!

Conrad, Audrina, Alize, Julyssa, Isaiah & Elijah were dropping worms down by the dam where they brought up 3 1/2 pounds of bluegill. It’s a notable catch not only because they’re a decent size for a pan fry but also because it shows the bluegill, and likely crappie are up in the shallows. Ignoring that it was hailing last week it is about time to see more bluegill and big crappie. Break out the redworms! I haven’t seen many catfish yet but the Collins Lake pattern is normally crappie off the gravel beds and then the cat activity picks up.

Trout fishing has slowed noticeably in the last two weeks. I think there’s three facets, none of which are unexpected. First of all planting has stopped for the summer. We will resume trout plants in the fall once surface temperatures drop below 70F. Second warmer temperatures push the trout off shore, so you’re best off trolling at 25ft or below. That’s how Jacob Lore (above) caught his 5.5 pound rainbow, trolling the mouth of a cove using flashers and a missouri lure. Finally weekend boaters perturb the trolling game.
I have never been a big fan of crowds. Some people love it, but for me I’m usually happy to walk away when I see a line. So that’s where I’m coming from when I say if you’re coming for trout come Monday through Thursday. On a hot weekend, the main body of the lake is just too busy with boaters to enjoy a slow troll. If you must come on Friday or the weekend I’d get in and out early in the day. On very busy days we have to close down day use to prevent crowding, you can check our website collinslake.com for the current status. You can’t reserve a day use pass, they are first come first served.
Fishing for bass, redear, crappie and bluegill in a cove is a little more protected. In the right spot it can be a lot of fun. I’ve been taking my son out jr mountain biking on Hidden Spruce trail about twice a week and usually we see less than a dozen people out there.
If you’re looking for information about pandemic cases in our area check Yuba County’s page before you come: https://www.yuba.org/coronavirus/ you can Filter by Area to Yuba County and see that as of this writing we’ve been open about 6 weeks with no significant increases.
Even so we are doing our best to follow and encourage compliance with orders and guidelines. Even if you’re not worried about it please follow the rules to help us stay open!
Thanks! And remember, we could sure use some great fishing, camping & boating stories and photos so send them in! fishing@collinslake.com