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March Maddness @ Collins Lake

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About the bass, they are trolling with Rapalas and or Rubberworms by power lines is a hot spot.

Also,  just a reminder of the upcoming Spring Fish Derbies are April 7th the NorCal Trout Anglers Challenge! April 28th CIFFI Family Trout Derby! and  May 12th Collins Lake Family Trout Derby!

Our fish whisper Elaine caught a nice trout with orange powerbait.  Jeremy Hubert & Aubrey of Auburn caught 7 trout using powerbait by the spillway.  Jeremy Phillipson of GrassValley caught a 2 lb trout and Nick Nirskoq of Neveda City caught a 1/2 lb trout.  David Pokrant limited out by the dam using powerbait.  Bill Kreutz of Napa caught a 5 1/4 lb trout using green powerbait by the beach.  Eric Somay of Yuba City caught a 6 lb trout and a 1 1/2 lb trout trolling with Rapala by powerlines.  Aaron Lujan and Aaron Lujan Jr. of Yuba City caught 2 limits trolling middle of lake using panthermartin.  Hank Hunter of North San Juan caught one trout one crappie and one bass using rapalas trolling by the powerlines.  Addison Seino of Yuba City caught a 3 1/4 lb trout and limited out using green powerbait by the dam.  Eric Anderson of Yuba City 3 1/8lb trout using orange powerbait by the dam.  David Punting of Yuba City caught a nice trout by dam using powerbait.  Julie of Yuba City caught a 2 1/2 lb trout by beach using garlic powerbait.  Gianna of Yuba City caught a nice trout by the beach too.  Tony of Nevada City caught a 8 1/2 lb trout using rapalla by the bridge. Anthony Allanzo of Auburn caught a 5 1/2 lb trout with green powerbait by the beach.  Ken & Kent Jaxon limited out on trout trolling east side of the lake using rapalas and needlefish.  Lincoln Pratt & John Reed of Marysville caught some nice fish in the middle of lake using garlic powerbait.  Rick Schmaus of Challenge caugth a nice 7 lb. trout using green powerbait by the dam.  Natalie, Jeremy & Jonathan caught 3 nice trout light green by the beach.  Steven Jackson and Bryan Jarvis caught a 5 1/2 lb trout using rattletrap lure farside of lake.  Charlie Moore caught a nice big 7 1/4 lb trout and a 5 lb trout using powerbait of all colors by the beach. Gary Music of GrassValley caught a 6 1/2 lb trout  using jerkbait lure by 5 mile hour bowies.  Gilbert Corchado of Yuba City caught a 5 1/4 lb trout and a 3 1/4 lb trout with orange powerbait by the beach.  BASS GUYS>> Roger Newton of Loma Rica and Cody Allen of Live Oak caught 2 nice bass one was 7 1/4 lb bass and      5 1/4 lb bass. No info given on how the bass where caught. (Sorry)  Craig Barrick of Oroville caught a 8 lb trout and a 6 1/2 lb trout in the middle of lake using powerworms 3 feet down. Jacob Carr of Yuba City caught 3 trout using a boat by the dam using Kastmaster lure.  Alex Zidek of Roseville caught 5 trout on beach using rainbow garlic powerbait. 

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