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Lady anglers top the charts on trout this week

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Check out the Lady Anglers’s catches this week!!

Alison Moore from Lincoln, Ca. trolled a Kastmaster and hooked a gorgeous 6 lb. 4 oz. Rainbow Trout.

Tese Planeta from Minden, Nv. brought in a hefty 6 lb. Rainbow, snapped a picture then released her back into the lake!!  Mica Fish from Reno, Nv. invited Tese and her husband Rory to come camp at Collins Lake and take them fishing in the “Fish” boat.  Mica & Rory both limited out today on trout trolling a trout fly.  Tese’s  6lb. trout  was the very first one caught this morning just after daybreak, also trolling a trout fly.

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The little anglers got into the action this week too!

Elijah & Bailey from Salt Lake City, UT fished in the main body of the lake with orange PowerBait and hooked three trout.

Wyatt Evan from Chico fished off the dock with redworms and caught three Crappie.  Hanley & Logan fished in Elmer’s Cove while camping with their grandparents and each caught a trout on PowerBait today.

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Ray & Margaret Johnson caught a nice variety of fish today.  Seven trout, one bass & 2 Cats (the big one 5 lb. 8 oz.) all caught in a cove on the far side of the dam.  Roman & Matthew Anderson of Plumas Lake took home a stringer with six Rainbows which they caught by the dam on worms!

Lucas Sparks from Santa Rosa trolled a Needlefish just south of the swimming are and hooked himself a 3 lb. 4 oz. Rainbow trout.

Dennis Gray from SAC. fished in front of his campsite and landed a huge 13 lb. 4 oz. CATFISH on chicken liver! Probhat Palma got into some Crappie action this week near the boat dock using worms.

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