Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Double trout plants weekly

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Full lake + Sunny weather + Double trout plants weekly= time to go camping and fishing at Collins Lake!!!

Two local day fishermen from Dobbins each caught a 5 pound trout on rainbow Powerbait off the beach, Tony & Carol Cabral is the cute couple! Pam Lassiter of Carmichael brought her granddaughter Alexis for the day and they caught a 3 lb. 8 oz. trout off the beach on rainbow Powerbait too.

Water clarity has improved slightly from last week, we are probably looking at a foot and a half right now.  Don Purdy limited out on trout by the dam using PowerBait.

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Ray & Vangie Martinez of Antelope took a nice limit of trout home and they used green PBait from the Open Area shoreline.

The Felter Family from Reno fished with PowerBait right from their campsite and consistently caught fish on their week long campout.  Ron Felter hooked a 3 pounder by the dam using green PowerBait.

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It appears that the majority of photographs taken this past week were fish caught from shore and the primary bait is PowerBait.  The most consistent colors used of PBait are the rainbow, orange, or bright green (chartruese).

Brady & Riley of Lincoln trolled Rapalas to catch their trout.  Chase & Jack Hunter are good fishermen, they hooked a total of 8 trout from the beach shoreline.

Steve, Connor & Lorenzo fished in the Open Area with a famous Collins Lake Lure- the Kastmaster!!  They topped out with 8 trout on March 19th.

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