Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Trout plants twice a week now!!

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Starting this week we will receive two trout plants weekly!! It could be a double trophy plant or it could be a Fish & Game plant combined with a net pen release.  Either way that goes the action will be fantastic from here on out until the lake gets too warm to plant fish anymore.  That usually occurs in May sometime, then the Bass fishing begins along with those Catfish, Crappie, and Bluegill.

As of this morning, Collins Lake only needs 7′ of water before reaching full capacity.  Because of the huge influx in the past two weeks it will take a little while for muddy water to subside.  The clarity is a foot or less but changes very quickly to two to three feet.  Shore fishing or trolling have worked well for the trout even under these conditions.

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Their were two gorgeous trophy sized Rainbows caught recently.  The first one hooked by Stelian Creta on orange PowerBait from shore weighed a whopping 6 lb. 4 oz.

The second largest caught by Suzette Legrady from Woodland tipped the scale at a hefty 5 lb. 12 oz. and she was trolling a Gold Kastmaster under the powerlines.

Anna & Aaron caught trout both days they were camping here and they used lures or PowerBait and had good luck on both.

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Terry Malone of Sutter limited out on trout on 3/5 and he was fishing from shore by the dam using PowerBait.

On 3/9 Johnny & Barbara Grizzle caught a break in the rain and caught 9 Rainbows from shore near the marina.  This weeks double  plant came on Tuesday the 8th so they found some hungry ones, good timing!!

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Joe & Ben caught trout that included a 4 pounder and they fished in the middle of the lake drifting PowerBait off the bottom.  The fish were favoring thier green/white combo along with red/white combos.

Jim Roberts & Joshua from Rocklin fished the shoreline with PB and hooked four nice Rainbows.  Herb Hauke from Roseville took a huge 4 lb. Rainbow home which he hooked on a blue/silver Kastmaster near the dam.

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