Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Today is a Trophy Plant Day

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TODAY is a TROPHY TROUT plant day!  We have been stocking every other week which consists of 1,800 lbs. of fish including some giant trophy sized ones!  Our lake looks incredible, we are at 60% capacity already with more rain coming in the spring.  Of course our hope would be to fill up to maximum capacity but even if that doesn’t happen we are already at the same level we were last year at this time.

Some Bass have already been seen hanging around in shallow water on the east side of our lake, accessible by boat or walking across the dam.  The lake’s surface temperature on this side has been running 52 degrees and add another five degrees if you are fishing on the east side which gets more afternoon sun.

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Jason Whitten came fishing with his Papa and caught his 1st Fish while trolling a flasher and a worm near the dam.  That grin says it all……

Little Malia Jahnke from Jackson fished the shoreline and caught three amazing trout just yesterday. The only reason she wasn’t smiling is she was “straining” to hold that board up with those big lunkers!!!

Two local buddies named Gary Skaggs & Tom Pickett of Yuba City trolled in the middle of the lake with rapalas and took home 6 trout.

Looks like great weather on the horizon for this weekend and you don’t need a boat to catch fish at Collins Lake.  Our shoreline fishing is ideal and parking is super convenient especially this time of year.

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