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Trout fishing hit the mark this week

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Our lake has FINALLY hit ideal temperatures for trout catching!!  Summer didn’t want to end, as last weekend during the Fish Sniffer Tournament of Champions entrants can agree, it was still up in the 90’s over the weekend!  With everything against them it didn’t stop them from catching some awesome trout.  Dan Maez won 1st Prize with the biggest trout, his weighed in at 5.87 lbs.  Little Amara Grass led the kids with a 1st place win and Gus Grimmett took 3rd place and also won a kayak!  In the adult division Kyle Burrows took 6th place plus one a Klamath boat

Our next trophy trout plant will be next week and every other week after that until Thanksgiving.  Each plant will be around 1,800 lbs. and half of them trophy sized and half considered catchables.

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Victor Titoni from Santa Rosa caught a beautiful 5 lb. Rainbow on a minnow type lure from shore by his campsite.  Dan Grass from Grass Valley landed a 4 lb. 6 oz. trout and took 3rd place in the tournament, he and the kids had a nice stringer of trout which they caught trolling with flies!

Johnny Permenter of Nevada City netted a 4 lb. 8 oz. trout this week, he trolled near the power lines with a green & silver Kastmaster.  Most of the troller reported being in the top 15′ of water, not deep!  John Borman & Tom Meisenbach caught a total of 6 Rainbows and they trolled shallow using a worm and a dodger.

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Michelle McGill from Santa Rosa caught a monster BASS on Sunday the 12th, it weighed in at 6 lb. 8 oz. and she caught it trolling with a Kastmaster of all things!! 

Rachel Squires and her Dad Doug Wittler from Rough & Ready caught some really nice trout on their campout.  They fished by the dam from shore using nightcrawlers and/ or PowerBait.

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Most of the trout caught trolling this last week were on flashers and worms in less than 15′ of water , Carl Malotte landed 3 lb. 8 oz. and a 2 lb. this way.  Doug Clark & Jesse Trejo also trolled with worms and caught a limit of trout, their biggest was a 3 pounder.  Les, Dan, & Charleen trolled worms and caught a 2 lb. 8 oz. and a 3 lb. 4 oz. Rainbow.

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