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Trout contenders – Wade vs. Dallas

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In one corner we have Dallas Barrett Jr (and Sr.) holding an 8 lb. 4 oz. Rainbow Trout!  They trolled 20′ down near the beach using a flasher and a nightcrawler.  In the opposite  corner stands the champion (Wade Whorton) with his trout that weighed in at 9 lb. 4 oz., also caught while trolling a worm.  Wade had the advantage though, it was his 50th Birthday and he was just plain happy to be fishing on his birthday.  With a trout that size in your boat I’m sure you would feel like the WINNER no matter what anyone says!

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The Harold boys sent in their awesome lake photo taken with their stringer of trout!  They are Louie, Ramone, and Daniel from Oroville and they said they used rainbow PowerBait to catch their stringer with a 4 lb. 4 oz. as the biggest!

Elijah Barrett of SAC caught two trout over 4 lbs. and he was trolling 25′ down with a dodger and nightcrawler.  Tyler Whorton (son of contender Wade) is no stranger to fishing.  Tyler had no choice in the matter, he was born with a fishing pole in his hands and usually has no problem out fishing his Dad.  Tyler caught trout everyday on his trip and trolled with worms, his biggest was 2 lb. 4 oz.

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Lindy James from Roseville brought her Comedy Club Goofballs with her (Nick & Jay) and together they wrangled up a trout each.  Their trout were very social during their photo shoot as you can see!  Their trout were caught in about 45′ of water by the dam on green PowerBait.

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Grace from Dixon and her girls (Belle & Gage) brought in some nice trout caught on Kastmasters, Grace is featured with the big 3 pounder!  Finally, we see a nice Bass, a 4 lb. lunker taken from the dock on a worm by the Arrequin guys!

Tomas & Codie hooked a limit of trout also off the dock using worms at night.  Hunter & Forest had not one, but two great nights of fishing from the marina.  On the 16th they caught 8 trout and a crappie and on the 18th they caught 7 trout and a catfish with the help of Shelby.

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Jeff White, Sam Hernandez, Mike Tedrow, & Joe Veliquette had a great day of fishing, they hooked 8 beautiful trout in the middle of the lake trolling worms and flashers.   Jack, Joe, & Michael from Petaluma also trolled worms and took a four trout stringer of fish home. 

Jr., Sofia & Bonita looked pretty darn happy with their 3 trout they caught near the marina on worms.  Jacob Rapp brought in a nice catfish, he caught by the dam on a worm.  Josh & Hunter hooked an 8 lb. Cat from the dock while fishing after dark using chicken livers. 

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