Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Good Golly Miss Molly


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Good Golly Miss Molly Purvis!!!  Just to set the story straight the guys didn’t catch anything and Molly outshined them with the Biggest Trout this week-a 7 lb. 12 oz. Rainbow which she hooked trolling a dodger and worm down by the dam!!  You go girl………..

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Ryan Tomchick & his little girl Leah took home two limits of trout they caught by the dam trolling with a Rapala.  This was Leah’s first time fishing and catching her 1st Fish Ever!  Elaine Briefman caught a beautiful Bluegill from the dock using a worm.  Ronnie Cravea of Napa topped his four fish trout stringer with a 3 lb. 8 oz. Rainbow who also trolled with flashers and worms.

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The Feryance Family stayed “true to form” and caught loads of trout on their annual camping trip!!  They take the whole family out on the dock after dinner and night fish with PowerBait and worms.  The little ones, Austin & Kevin pitched in and caught fish too! 

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Les & Bev Nason & their friend Pat Rebello cleaned up on trout fishing as well. They are all seasoned veteran campers and have been coming every year during the spring for the awesome trout fishing.  Les told me he fished with PowerBait and worms and not on the bottom, he said they were trolling on the east side with that combo! 

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The Johnson Family Fishing Reunion didn’t bring in as many fish as they hoped (4 total) but they didn’t care one little bit cause they were having a ball.  The biggest trout weighed in at 2-3/4 lbs. and was hooked by Kara Johnson.

Hal & Ramona fished from shore for trout like they always do and stayed at it until they both limited out.  The big one on their stringer was a 2 pounder and their main bait was rainbow colored PowerBait.

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Rich Moore from Mt. View hooked his limit of trout in the middle of the lake trolling with a Rapala lure about 10′ down.  Josh Worthen of Citrus Heights landed 2 trout and 1 Bass from the dock on PowerBait.  Matt Smith also fished the dock at night with the Feryance Fam and hooked his limit of trout on PowerBait.

Don Nelson caught 4 trout and his big one was a beautiful 3-3/4 lb. rainbow.  Don said he trolls with a Sep’s flasher by the dam trailing a nightcrawler behind.

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