Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Fish Plant will be here by Friday

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This week we are expecting a DOUBLE private plant of large Rainbow Trout (1,800 lbs.) to “kick off” the fishing season by President’s weekend. 

 The lake has risen 15′ from the storm last week which should help the shore fishermen as far as accessing the shoreline.  This week’s forecast shows some rain as well, with periods of sunshine in between. 

The temperatures are still up in the 60’s so come on out and catch some of our trophy trout!

 Rodger, Alan, & Robert Alvis trolled with dodgers and worms and hooked 7 Rainbows.

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Little Weston Bennett limited out on trout while trolling flies in the mouth towards the bridge!

Joe Smock of Roseville caught his very 1st Collins Lake trout on Powerbait.

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Ryan, Mah, Eric, Mike, and Erick had a blast trolling for trout, even though they only got 3 between them!




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