Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

3rd week of Double Trout Plants

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On Wednesday we received our 3rd “Double Trout Plant” in the past 3 weeks!!  Fish & Game brought another 2,000 lbs. of Rainbows!!  Why not take advantage of this fantastic fall weather and fall fish planting and “double” your pleasure!  Starting November 1st the camping rates go down as low as they do on our Off Season rates and shore fishing is as exciting as in the spring!

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John & Joni Elward from Paradise had a great campout along with catching some trout and bluegill by their campsite using worms.  Lil Cooper Reasons from Folsom hit the neck of the channel and hooked two nice trout, one of a lure and one on PowerBait.

Carl Purdy from Yuba City landed a 10 pound Catfish off the swimming beach on a nightcrawler.  John English of Yuba City fished near the dam using chartruese or sherbert Powerbait and hooked two Rainbows.

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Mica Fish of Reno spent five glorious days fishing in his boat with his two golden retrievers (campers refer him as the “old man and the dogs”)!  He caught fish every single day and fed some of his neighbors trout too!  His wife Peggy didn’t give his bass away though, they ate those for lunch almost daily.  Mica fished with lead core line and trolled his favorite trolling flies and caught trout and bass everyday.  His cousin Macy Rose is holding up his biggest trout in a photo for Mica and the one with his granddaughter Makayla’s got erased in error, it was his biggest Bass.

Gary Coffman limited out on trout trolling with nightcrawlers and flashers between the dock and the island in the middle of the lake. Bertoni Delong & Megan Jackson of Colusa also caught a limit of trout. Ricardo Gomez hooked two trout trolling with worms by the dam.  Tehrique Knox hooked 4 trout from shore below site 299 using Powerbait.  My apologies to Gary, Bertoni, Megan, Ricardo & Tehrique whose photos were erased off the camera in error!!

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Larry Smith of Elk Grove hooked a 4-3/4 lb. Catfish on a nightcrawler in the Open Area.  Powerbait did the trick for Renee Byrd from Oroville, she caught 4 beautiful Rainbow trout by the dam.  Barney LaRue was trolling for trout and caught two nice trout and a catfish on Needlefish lures or worms.

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Gary from H2F Guide Service sent us a great picture he took of two fishermen he picked up off the shoreline and took them out on the lake but I don’t have their names.  The picture “says it all” those are some great looking fish they caught!  Stan Morton & Pete Henderson each caught a limit of trout and they trolled only 15′ down with worms and flashers.

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