Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information


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If you want to join in on the CIFFI DERBY this Sat. 4/13 you can still sign in on their website. The gate will open at 5:30 am instead of 6:30 am and you can sign up then at road 4.  If you are camping on Friday, you can sign up at the store Friday evening they will be here with a table.  It is an annual tournament where kids under 16 fish for Free and adults are $50.00, which includes a BBQ lunch and lots and lots of prizes!

Between the full moon and the wind, fishing was a little tough this week but the weather coming up this week looks fantastic for fishing.  Dave Mains of Carson City,Nv. caught his biggest trout ever, a 5 lb. 12 oz. Rainbow from his campsite on chartreuse Powerbait. 

Tom Ives of Browns Valley seems to have the trout “dialed in” 3 days in a row he caught trout over 5 pounds and he trolls with a Rapala and fishes under the powerlines up in the north end. He is a magnet for trout!!

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Some of our campers stay in their jammies the whole time, like Joann Talley (the bathrobe fisherlady) who celebrates her birthday at Collins Lake!  Joann & Dan got skunked this time but it didn’t matter, it was time well spent.

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Frank & Josette Gippetti e mailed us some great pictures of trout they caught on their camping trip.  Josh Giordano of Bangor caught the biggest trout this week, an 8 lb. beauty trolling a crawler off a Needlefish by the beach.   The Foster City Rod & Gun club members fished off the beach with Kastmasters and caught a stringer of 7 trout.

The Bass fishing went WILD this week!!  Tom Wickham and his sons Hunter & Brady brought Grandpa Dave Callison fishing and they caught and released about 40 bass, and took 20 home.  They were all Spotted Bass around 3 pounds and they were fishing with rubber worms.  Keith, Corey & Alan of Yuba City caught 13 Bass and 2 trout tossing topwater plugs up by the bridge.  Some bass were caught trolling for trout on nightcrawlers.

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Karen & Wade Pendley trolled a rainbow lure or frog spotted lure and fished all day and limited out on trout and their biggest was a hefty 4 pounder.  Lindsay & Rachel never left their campsite, and they netted three nice rainbows on Powerbait.  Aurora of Bangor limits out on trout trolling a Rapala near the beach. 

Congrats to Andres Avila for landing a 5 pound trout from shore near the beach on chartreuse Powerbait.

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The next upcoming derby is April 27th, call us for an application if you’d like to participate with the FISH SNIFFER publication sponsoring the event.  It’s only $10 for adults and kids fish for FREE.

Nate Kunz caught his 1st fish ever and it was a doozy!! His trout weighed in at 2 lb. 12 oz. and he used white Powerbait.   Riley Mallen and Darren, Cejay, & Eli rhines hooked a trout and a bass on their trip here in the Open Area!  Tyler Whorton has grown up catching fish at Collins Lake, he’s from Petaluma but makes many treks here with his Dad (Wade) and this trip their biggest trout were a 3-1/2lb. and a 2-1/4lb. 

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Nycole Lopez caught a trout on Powerbait by the 200’s while Marni & Danika Matuska caught their trout in about the same location, also on Powerbait.  Gabrielle & Emma hooked 4 nice Bass on Senko worms in a boat, parked close to shore.

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