Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

1st trophy plant of the New Year to arrive week of 2/10/13

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While you’re watching SuperBowl this Sunday with your family and friends be sure and include Collins Lake in your conversation!! Let them know we will be starting our amazing trout stocking program in just a couple of weeks and a day of fishing on Collins Lake in the beautiful sunshine is a must in your planning for the next month of fun stuff to do!!! 

Ricardo Gomez and his family and friends topped the charts this week with their spectacular catches.  Juan Urrego hooked the biggest one, a 7 lb. 1 oz. Rainbow along with a 3 lb. 12 oz. trout.  His T-shirt cracked me up it says “I make it look easy”.

Ricardo Lopez and Javier each caught huge fish as well, with a 6 lb. & a 5 lb. to top their stringer.  They fish with Powerbait on the east side of the dam. 

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A.J. & Haley have been here almost every day this week and continue to catch trout on a daily basis, using chartreuse Powerbait and fishing on the sand beach.  The first day they didn’t do so good but they watched the lady next to them pull one after another in.  Then they heard her screaming for help when she discovered she had a monster on the line and no net or means to get it in herself.  Being the gentleman he is, A.J. came to her rescue and helped her net it and it ended up weighing over 5 lbs.  Now that A.J. knows where to fish, he’s getting limits too!!

Shilo McFeron & his girlfriend Ana Saucedo used pink PowerEggs by the dam and caught 2 trout and Shelly and Arty Waters also caught 2 trout by the dam on rainbow colored PowerBait.  Thanks to Aaron Tomiyama for the awesome photo he took on the lake and emailed to me of his beautiful Rainbow trout.

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Colby Green caught a 2 lb. trout from shore on pink & white Powerbait.  Danae, Ron & John of Yuba City used licorice marshmallows, worms, and Powerbait to hook a limit of Rainbows from the beach.

Dennis Milligan caught the biggest trout of his life on garlic Powerbait down by the Open Area, he was literally jumping up and down with excitement when we weighed in his 6 lb. 9 oz. Trout.  He made my day, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face!!

Kyle Manning walked across the dam to the far corner and caught a 4 pound trout on Powerbait.  Damien, Kenny, and Andy had a great day of catching, with a stringer of 10 trout and Andy caught the biggest trout which was a 6 lb. 4 oz. Rainbow.  They were also shore fishing with Powerbait.

Looks like the shore fishermen dominated the picture board this last week.  Trollers have been getting a few on Rapalas but most boaters are still fishing or drift fishing with Powerbait in shallow water instead right now.


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