Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

13 Pound Rainbow Trout caught October 30, 2012

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Kathy Hess has been on vacation and she normally makes up the fishing reports. But since the conditions have been changing quickly for the better, we thought we could try to update you with the latest reports. The weather has been cooperating to make the lake conditions prime for some good fall trout fishing. The lake has turned over with the surface temperatures in the low 60’s, bringing the carry-over trout up from the deep waters where they have been all summer.

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Add weekly trout plants from our private hatchery starting 2 weeks ago and the trout fishing should stay strong for the next month to come. Weekly plants include the larger trophy sized trout Collins Lake is famous for and weekly plants will continue until Thanksgiving week. The biggest trout of the week was a 13 pound rainbow trout caught off the beach by David Bunting of Colusa using a Cleo lure. Jimmy Trejo also picked up a 6-1/2 pound rainbow trolling a Mooseluck Wobbler in the center of the lake at 30’ depth. Several trout in the 4 to 5 pound range have been picked up on lures like Kastmasters and also bait fishing with powerbait & worms.

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The areas by the dam & by the beach have been the most active for shore fisherman. Sorry this report lacks the charm & special personality that Kathy brings to her fishing reports, but she will be back soon. In the meantime, happy fishing! Lincoln Young

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