Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Summer is over

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Summer isn’t officially over until Sept. 21st but it is cooling down at night already.  This is a good sign that the trout will start surfacing more often during the day along with the Bass, Bluegill, Crappie & Catfish.  Several  fishermen caught trout in the early morning hours along the old sand ramp near the face of the dam and they used either nightcrawlers or Powerbait to lure those early rising trout. 

Lillian & Lacy caught their trout by the dam on rainbow Powerbait.  The Maxler & Rivers families fished all over the lake and caught a trout in Elmer’s Cove along with a 5 lb. 4 oz. Catfish on Powerbait

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Bill & Lynda Skeffington tried their luck and caught a little Bass on their first time out, at least they didn’t leave empty handed so that’s all that counts!! 

Jordan Roach of Chico landed the biggest CAT last week, an 8 lb. 8 oz. out of Elmer’s Cove on chicken livers.  Tanner Buck of Perris caught a 6 pound CAT by the dam on a nightcrawler.

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Probhat Palma caught two huge cats and a Bass using live crawdads and he was fishing along the face of the dam.  He told me that he saw a boat load of Crappie that was caught yesterday in the far corner of the dam on white mini jigs.       Angela & David wrapped up the week with their 7 Pound CAT which they hooked near the dam on chicken liver.

We look forward to another year of “fall planting” on the trout!!!  I will announce when that program will start but cannot do that yet since we have to wait for “ideal lake conditions” before we can even plan for it.  Generally we will start the end of October or first of November.

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