Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Catfish dominate this week

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Kevin & Dave caught 3 Cats & 8 Bass and the biggest Cat was 6 lbs. 8 oz. while fishing with rubber worms in the brushy areas from their boat.   Jesse from Oregon House caught his 4 lb. Cat on a pink hoochie with a nightcrawler up towards the bridge.  Four little boys, Jaysun, Adrian, Keanu & Lucas fished off the rental dock with stinkbait and brought up a 5 lb. Catfish. 

Lynn Higgenbotham didn’t tell us what she used except ultra light tackle, she caught a 5 lb. Catfish.  Twins, Jesse & Jacob Smith worked hard for 3 days and each finally caught a Catfish, their biggest was 5 lb. 4 oz. and they were using worms.

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Tommy Hagerty made his annual trek back to Collins Lake and caught a 2 lb. 4 oz. BASS on his 1st attempt, he even caught it on salmon eggs!  Timothy of Paradise fished the dock using worms and hooked a 1 lb. 4 oz. Bluegill.  Lucas Griffith from Durham was drifting in his boat and hooked his trout on a worm.

Louren McDougal of SAC limited out on trout while fishing off the dock and also hooked a Bluegioll using worms.  Kyle, Daniel, Ryan & Keith of Thousand Oaks had a great couple of days of fishing. The first day they took a limit of Rainbows and the next day they caught 4 more.  They were trolling off the beach with a green lure!

Little Chase from Las Vegas went fishing for the first time and caught two Rainbows (his 1st fish) off the dock on rainbow Powerbait.  Kaylee & little brother Jacob Hunter each caught trout on worms & Powerbait up near the bridge.  Jade from Oakley caught her 1st fish ever and she’s been trying for three years now she said!


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The Yabut’s, Goddard’s, Snaveley’s, Ward’s, Seachrist & Phinney families returned for their annual Collins Lake campout and family reunion!! They always catch trout and this year was no different (their stringer held 13 fish) except they used funyons for bait or so they said!!

Sam Provenzano of Oregon House brought in a nice trout he caught trolling near the beach.  Lauren Hunter of Shingle Springs trolled with worms and flasher by the power lines and caught 3 trout and brother Josh caught one as well.

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