Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Two double plants this week

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Trollers are picking up trout within the first two feet of water on Needlefish, Rapalas, or worms from what we’re hearing.  Fishing from the shore has been tremendous with either Powerbait (any color) or worms. This week we are expecting a plant from F & G, a double private plant, and the first net pen will be released.  Next week we will be releasing four more net pens (each pen equal to a plant) so that by April 13th we will have 9 plants total, that’s incredible my friends!!!!!

3 Pound Trout and above caught by: Joe Duran of Y.C. on Powerbait by the dam 3-1/2 lb., Mike White trolling Rapalas by the dam 3-1/2 lb., Dan McCready & J.D. Shanks 3-1/2 lb. on Powerbait by the beach, Josh Alvis on Powerbait by the beach (3 lbs.) Ethan Hansard trolling a Kastmaster 3-1/2 lb. Rainbow & Kevin & Mike trolling Wedding ring spinners by  the dam (3lb.) trout. Rob Bline caught 4 Rainbows, his biggest 3 lbs. by camp #60 on worms or Powerbait.

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Bertoni Delong caught a 2 lb. trout & his friend Josh caught a little bitty one on Rapalas.  Rudy Babich & his adorable little girls Taylor & Lauren took home 2 limits of Rainbows which they caught off the beach on Powerbait.  Our first fly fishermen this year did great too (Robert Choate & Randy Fukimoto) their stringer held 7 Rainbows. 

 Donna Govenor trolled a Rapala and caught a 2-1/4lb Rainbow trout. Maison caught his very 1st fish (a 1-1/2 lb. trout) off the shore by his campsite.  Dakota Davis of Forbestown limited out on trout using worms from shore near the dam.

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Little Emma Binning and her Dad and Grandpa went fishing in Papa’s boat and she caught 3 trout before her cousins got here!  Grandpa Alan Alvis brought his grandson Josh and son, Alan and they caught a huge stringer of trout using Powerbait off the beach. 

A 4lb. Bass was caught by Logan of Sacramento on a worm off the beach. He fished with Darrell & Cierra who also caught trout using Powerbait.  Travis, Wade, & Karen trolled in the inlet towards the bridge and netted 6 trout and a Bass.   Wesley & Tylor trolled Wobblers along the east bank and together picked up a limit of Rainbows.  Cris Hiene hooked a 2lb. Rainbow by the beach on pink Powerbait.

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Rodger Alvis dodged jury duty and came fishing instead and it paid off, he caught 3 trout in less than an hour!! Jim Kirby brought up Flat Stanley and had his photo taken with him.  The object of Flat Stanley is to become his buddy and take him to see as many new sites and have pictures taken with him.  He then sends the photos off to his school aged grandkids who report to their class about Flat Stanley’s adventures. Together they caught a limit of trout on worms!!

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