Main Boat Ramp is Open - Please dry, inspect and clean when moving between waterways

Invasive Mussel Prevention Information

Trophy Plant on 3/22

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Late Thursday afternoon we received our Trophy Trout plant for this week.  Prior to the plant the anglers were having no trouble catching limits of trout all week long.  The shoreline in the Open Area and the beach are great places to fish with Powerbait, or Power Eggs, or worms right now.

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Robert Palma and his 3 little grandsons (Brock, Kaemon, & Ben) fished together for the 1st time and little Brock got a trout and his Mom Marissa caught one that was around 2 pounds.  They fished with Powerbait along the shore, a few days before the lake filled up.  Last Sat. the lake filled up and since then almost everybody I talked to this past week limited out even though the clarity of the lake is not clear.  There were a lot of “happy campers” this week, one guy said he caught 3 trout before he popped a beer and he had to leave by 10 am because he and his brother already limited out. That was the Mayer brothers from SAC (Don & Dave) and Don caught the biggest trout which he named “Walter”. 

Todd & Kenny from SAC also took 2 limits using green or yellow Powerbait across the lake from their boat.  Robert, Alan, & Lisa Alvis of Antelope caught 15 trout off the beach using Powerbait.  Aubrey Lolmaugh caught the biggest trout this week, it weighed in at 4 lb. 8 oz. which topped her limit using worms by the dam.

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Carmen Salazar ( a Collins Lake Oldster) limited out off the beach using Powerbait.  Brandy & Clay Otterson of Yuba City left with a stringer of 7 fish which they caught on blue mango Powerbait by the dam.  Kiera Hopkin of Elk Grove fished by the beach with Powerbait and caught her 5 trout!

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The day our lake filled up (May 17th) several people went out taking photos for us and I wanted to share some with our readers.  These are some of the best and yes, we are super excited to have a full lake to start the 2012 season!!!

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