Big Trout caught this week 7 lb. 8 oz.

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Richard Hickman of Smartsville caught the biggest trout this week, a 7 lb. 8 oz. Rainbow trout.  He was trolling along the east shore which is directly across the lake in the big cove using a black & white Rapala split back lure.   Wes Brown of Rocklin caught the second largest trout of the week.  His 5 lb. beauty was also tempted by a Rapala which he was trolling down deep (around 30 ft.).  Wes was trolling on the east side where he caught his big trout.

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HAT’S OFF TO JOE VIGIL from Sacramento for his 12 lb. Catfish he caught from shore on sardines!!

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Louis Alfred & Michael Washington caught two trout and a catfish from the main marina on worms.

William Cates of SAC caught his two trout by the marina on rainbow PowerBait.

Lots of the little trout were hooked this week, and many limits went out but most people didn’t want their pictures taken.  From shore we have been told that PowerBait of worms is the best bet.  Shore fishing has greatly improved since the lake temperature has dropped to the low 60’s to upper 50’s.

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